LxRun Issue in Windows 10 Bash Shell

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I’ve just found a workaround for an issue of setting the default user in Windows 10 Bash shell.

During installation of Windows 10 Bash shell, there is a step to set or create the default user. It’s equivalent to executing the following command:

LxRun.exe /setdefaultuser <username>

If the Temp folder is not accessible, either because of privilege or unsupported file systems like RAM disk, an error message will appear:

/bin/bash: /mnt/d/TEMP/uid.txt: No such file or directory


/bin/bash: /mnt/c/WINDOWS/TEMP/uid.txt: No such file or directory

The first error message appears when my Temp folder is on a RAM disk, and the second appears when I’m using the system-level Temp folder (C:\Windows\Temp).

The workaround is fairly simple. Just move the Temp folder to somewhere accessible, such as %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp.

By the way, I’ve submitted an issue for this on GitHub.